This snake looks exactly like an earthworm, gets deceived by the eyes of elders! Know how dangerous it is …

This snake looks exactly like an earthworm, gets deceived by the eyes of elders!  Know how dangerous it is …

World’s Smallest Snake: According to an estimate, there are about 3000 species of snakes found all over the world, but only about 200 species are there, whose bite can kill someone. However, many such species are found around us, whose work can be completed by just one hiss. This is the reason why the fear of the name of snakes is sitting in everyone’s mind.

On hearing the name of a snake, people start sweating out of fear and if it comes in front of you, it is bound to make anyone shudder on seeing it. Although not all snakes have so much poison that they can kill someone. Today we will tell you about one such snake, which is thin and small just like an earthworm.

Snake looks exactly like earthworm
The snake we are talking about is commonly known as blind snake. Its full name is Brahmini blind snake and in scientific language it is called Indotyphlops braminius. If you see this snake anywhere, you will consider it as an earthworm. Its movements and colors are the same. Only by looking very closely, you will see small stripes on this body, which are different from earthworms. Its tail is pointed and there are two small dots near the head. There is a cover on their eyes which means they are almost blind. They can neither see anything, nor can they detect the light.

How dangerous is this snake?
By the way, snakes are always dangerous. Some have poison, while some large, non-venomous snakes are capable of breaking bones with their coils. Blind Snake is not one of them. This snake is not poisonous at all and you cannot consider it dangerous for yourself at all. Usually they eat larvae, eggs and ants. These snakes are found in Africa and Asia. They are only females and alone can give birth to children. Together they can lay 8 eggs.

Tags: Ajab Gajab, amazing facts, Viral news

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